Design Prompt:
Design a six-page magazine spread article that describes a period in graphic design history. This magazine spread needs to emphasize typographic hierarchy and incorporate appropriate imagery while also incorporated an interactive element for electronic publication. Also include a cover for the client that ties into the theme of the article.
Project Pitch:
“The Design behind Box Art” is a magazine article that details the fascinating history of how design and marketing have evolved in the world of videogame box art. The imagery and graphics used in the piece are meant to harken back to classical videogames with large geometric shapes and bold, primary colors being prominent throughout the design.
A key detail of the spreads is the cable that runs along the bottom of all six pages, acting as a line of interest for the eye to follow. On the first page, it is used as a framing device for the title and is conveniently set to the spiral of the golden ratio. On the second and fourth pages, the cable is then used to frame in the body copy, running up along the margins and connecting to a graphical element. Finally, on the last spread, the cable connects to the console holding in the works cited section, which acts as a nice bookend to the piece. The interactive design then also uses the cable to tie in the various elements with different pieces fading in, almost as if they were being powered on by the cord.