Design Prompt:
Design a full brand identity for a major airline company, complete with a company pattern, style guide, graphic logo, and color scheme. Further implement this branding into a plane design to be used on the companies’ jets, as well as signage design for the terminal of the airport. 

Project Pitch:
Jubilee Air is the premier airline for any family theme park adventure. This airline specializes in delivering a stress free, fun flight experience for the entire family, delivering them safe and sound to star attractions around the US. With this grand but friendly demeanor, Jubilee boasts a regal and professional color scheme meant to evoke the spirit of adventure in the sky.
The Jubilee star, the primary brand mark, is a symbol of patriotism and imagination, acting as a shooting star when seen on the tails of a soaring jet. The typography used for the Jubilee logo is a San-serif type, sleek and strong, just like the company. The terminal signage is designed to entice customers, while also acting as a welcoming presence for any first-time flyers.
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