Design Prompt:
Design a packaging series, consisting of three related products. Prioritize consistency between the product labels and intentional thought and approach to the layouts as appropriate for the product category. The packaging will be integrated into a social media campaign that utilizes an animated GIF advertising the products.

Project Pitch:
Chibi Chews is a brand of fruity, chewy candies. The overall aesthetic is fun and playful but not too childish and markets to teens and young adults with a modern take on candy. The packaging is minimalistic while also fully highlighting all neces­­­sary details and components including the logo, mascot, colorful graphics, and the overall theme of each flavor variety.
The company slogan, “Have a little smile, have a little slice,” works as a compliment to both the main company mascot and the name. The phrase “little slice” acts as a synonym for the company name, Chibi Chews. Meanwhile, the orange character on the front of the candy bags always has a smile, which is a citrus slice. The name Chibi Chews comes from the Japanese adjective Chibi, which describes small, cute things. This word was chosen due to its alliterative relationship with the word Chews. The corresponding flavor varieties such as “Chilling Haunt”, “Chili Flame”, and “Chilling Haunt” also fall into this clever naming scheme.
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